Get to know Diretrix On products.

Aumente sua receita através de análises mais seguras e assertivas.

Our products were developed through guided programming, combining technologies such as DDDM (Data Drive Decision Managment), Data Driven, and Machine Learning techniques to identify the probability of future results, based on historical data.

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IGBI makes your company's day-to-day easier. And yours too.

Quickly obtain information that will make all the difference when closing a deal, approving credit or hiring services. With IGBI it is possible to analyze the profile of people and companies


Research the risk profile quickly and without bureaucracy during the policy issuance process.

SUBSEG is the ideal solution to support insurers in the underwriting process. Our tool is based on a Bigdata intelligence system, which analyzes and understands the risks of individual people, enabling the reduction of fraud with analysis of external risk factors, providing agility in operations and reducing operational costs.

Consulta Certo

Perform Corporate Tax ID - enterprises queries quickly and easily.

With Consulta Certo, you can access information for any Corporate Tax ID - in Brazil in a simple and efficient manner, replacing intuition with more secure decisions based on data analysis. Our solution conducts comprehensive research on any company, providing registration information, credit risk analysis (score), company.

Diretrix.On is part of the DXONGroup.
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Diretrix.on Diretrix.ON
Av. das Nações Unidas, 12399
7th floor, set 74B

Landmark Nações Unidas - São Paulo - SP

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