How does it work in practice?

Our solutions facilitate the decision-making transaction by basing it on data In nanoseconds, we calculate and analyze information, generating predictive insights and speeding up response times resulting in increased productivity, growth and quality in sales, security in decisions and cost optimization.

DiretrixOn technologies and solutions

Our solutions enhance your business with agile and accurate responses. Through data processing and analysis, we identify risks, making them known and treatable

Together, we innovate a strategic approach based on data analysis that boosts the productivity of your operation, with greater security and predictability in decision-makin.

Our services offer multiple possibilities for data-driven management. Based on a BigData system integrated with an information storage base, our solutions are customizable, and the decision engines learn from each stored information, predicting scenarios and creating countless opportunities.

Our products
Diretrix.On is part of the DXONGroup.
Diretrix.on Diretrix.ON
Av. das Nações Unidas, 12399
7th floor, set 74B

Landmark Nações Unidas - São Paulo - SP

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